Axis analog gyro sensors+ 3 Axis Accelerometer Module
Axis analog gyro sensors+ 3 Axis Accelerometer Module
The MPU-6050 is the latest product of invensense company products. This sensor is used in Ardupilot autopilot. The sensor contains a 3 axis MEMS accelerometer and a 3 axis MEMS gyro in a single chip. It is very accurate, since it contains 16-bits analog to digital conversion hardware for each channel. Therefore it captures the x, y, and z channel at the same time.
Also, it is accurate because you have the 3 axis gyro and 3 axis accelerometers on single chip so you do not need to align them.
The sensor has a “Digital Motion Processor” (DMP), also called a “Digital Motion Processing Unit”. This DMP can be programmed with firmware made by invensense and is able to do complex calculations with the sensor values.